Friday, April 11, 2008

64. Mother's Day Card

An undated note penned inside a German Mother’s Day card, sent to Claudia’s mother, Barbara Jean Fraughton Lange (1928–1994), probably sometime in early May 1971. The printed portion of the card said, “Herzliche Glückwünschezum Muttertag.”

Liebe Mutti

Thank you so much for being the very best mother ever!! i really do love and appreciate all the many things you’ve done & the love you’ve shown me. You’ve always been so cheerful and jolly, i have lots of fun, special memories—like when you used to lay by us (and when we’d all get in the bed together on Saturday mornings!), the tickle-fights (with David always begging for more & then dying of laughter before you even touched him!), the way you’d be mommy again, and all the songs and little dances you could do. i hope i can graduate from mother’s school and be as good a mother as you’ve been.

i love you lots and lots, Mom, and hope you have a Joyful Mother’s Day!

Thank you for being my very favoritest mom! i love you!!

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