Wednesday, April 9, 2008

34. To Jerry

A letter to my brother Jerry in Boise, Idaho, written on Monday, May 4, 1970, from MaceiĆ³, Alagoas, Brazil.

Dear Jerry,

Yesterday and today I received your letters, forwarded from Rio, that you sent April 9 and April 14, including all the conference clippings. Thanks so muchly for all that—news is slow in reaching this corner of the world.

It sounds like the “golden age” of Mormonism, so called, is an era that is passing. Notice how closely timed was the passing of President McKay with the breaking of the first storms. Each president of the Church has played a particular role, was the best man to lead the development of the kingdom in his own time. President McKay made the Church worldwide and respected. President Smith is just the man to lead us through gathering storms. This is the Lord’s work. He is at the helm and the work cannot fail. And all of us with a burning testimony, given of God, of the divinity of this latter-day work will follow the counsel of heaven-inspired apostles and prophets and not the whims and sophistries and cunning devices of men.

It is my prayer that everything is going well on the home front. It sounds like life is a joy. May the Lord’s blessings ever be with you.

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